Hands-On-Physics MECHANICS
Core Project
- Aircart Motor Mount -
A motor mount may be cut from a piece of cardboard 4 cm x 12 cm. The corrugations
should run lengthwise, perpendicular to the folds. Instead of scoring at
the folds, crease the cardboard along the fold line with the edge of a ruler.
This makes a stronger fold. The motor can be glued as the triangle is folded
around it. Extra glue is recommended, particularly in the back, because
the motor tends to break loose from its mount when the aircart collides
with the wall. The propeller end of the motor should stick out about a millimeter
to assure that the propeller doesn't hit anywhere.

Figure C6
Motor mount construction
The propeller guard, made from a clothes-hanger,
should be attached after the aircart frame has been assembled. Draw a guide
circle with a compass and bend a piece of clothes-hanger wire to match this

Figure C7
Motor mount with propeller guard
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