

- Changing Speed -


Measure multiple time intervals using "lap" timer to analyze the motion of a person who first walks and then speeds up to a run.

Choose a timer who will measure the time intervals of the runner. Set up a course for the runner and position four signalers along the course to signal the timer when the runner passes their location. One person at the beginning of constant walk, one at the beginning of changing speed, one at the beginning of constant run, and one at the end of constant run. Agree on a signals for the person keeping time. Be sure to measure the distance from start to the first signaler, and distances between signalers. You could, instead, call start zero and measure the positions of the timers with respect to zero.

Figure M1
Runner changing speed

Make tables for recording your measurements, an example is shown below. Tables are also helpful for keeping track of calculated values.

Figure M2
Time & distance table

To get a clear picture of the motion, several speed calculations are suggested, and two graphs are recommended. Time is generally plotted horizontally.

Figure M3a
Runner's position graph

Figure M.3 b
Runner's speed graph

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